December 10, 2010

Screaming vs The Sounds of Silence?

Lately, I have been finding myself more and more frustrated with the kids.  The older two in particular, have been driving me crazy.  From their indifference to their schoolwork to their room that is never cleaned up, I am finding myself more and more frustrated!

Sometimes it feels like all I do is scream at the girls to get it together. 

My parents, my father in particular had a habit of screaming first and finding out what was really going on second.  I hated it, I told myself that I was never going to do that to my children.  HA!  HA!  HA!
But seriously, I really hated it and it did have a horrible effect on my self esteem. 

I try to remember to listen, to understand but each and everyday it gets harder and harder.  I don't want to be their friend and not their parent but shouldn't there and couldn't there be a nice mix of both in parenting?

I had a long talk with the girls (after I screamed my head off) and tried to explain to them, that I hate screaming at them (not to mention that I know it's very ineffective to scream at them because they've just started to tune me out - but I didn't tell them this) but I need them to cooperate.  We are a large family and we need to work together.  I am always saying; "How many people live in this house?"  They answer "seven" and I reply "and there is only one MOMMY!"  Like always they say they will help out more and do their homework right after school and then a week goes by and we start all over again!  Is this going to last until they move out? 

Thankfully for the most part they're really, really great kids.  Their issues so far are common teenage issues but this parenting thing is a lot harder than my Mom made it look!  I now know why they made a bumper sticker that says:  "If I knew being a Grandparent was going to be this great - I would have done it first!"

I guess each day is a new day.  Maybe our house will be scream free tomorrow?  Oh wait, that's not going to happen, we have a two year old son, he will do plenty of screaming for us.  Oh well, one day after all the kids are gone, I am sure I will be complaining that it's to quiet around here!

- Shayna

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