November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving 2010, I am not sure that I will be able to look back and call it a happy holiday.

It started out great!  My Mom, sister and aunt came and got all the kids early - even our 2 year old!  We had two days to ourselves before we left to go to my parents.  It was amazing to hear the sounds of silence and to be together alone!  Although I still found myself missing the kids.   =)

We got to my parents only to discover that my Mom had a cold.  Unfortunately, I have asthma and when I get a cold, it usually turns into an asthma attack!  Can you guess what happened next?  No, I didn't get an asthma attack, the first thing that happened was worse...

My two year old son and I were playing where is your nose, where is your mouth, where are your eyes and when he found my eyes he poked his finger straight through my cornea and scratched it in two places.  I am here to tell you that I don't think anything has ever hurt worse (No, not even child birth)!  It burned so bad and I thought I was going to be blind.  I went to the Dr. the next day who gave me some antibiotic drops to put in my eye, they drops just burned!  It turns out I had a allergic reaction to the drops! I had to go to the ER, where they gave me drops to paralyze my eyeball, steroid drops, and then new antibiotic drops. I was still blind, it hurt my bad eye too much to open my good eye.  If I didn't live it, I would not believe this happened.  Finally we got in touch with a friend of ours who is a Retina specialist Doctor who told us to buy over the counter Refresh PM ointment.  It really worked well.

Once my eye started feeling better, I got sicker from catching my Mom's cold and I had a horrible asthma attack!  I then had to go back to the hospital for a breathing treatment, steroid, antibiotic, etc. 

It was the worst weekend ever!!! 

Although it did show the true meaning of Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for my family. My husband, sister and the rest of my family really took care of the kids and helped me try to get better.  I am truly thankful!

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